When you head to check out, PricePulse helps compare prices
across different supermarkets near you so you know you’re
getting the best price for your shop.
With PricePulse, every supermarket shop becomes a strategic
money-saving mission. Compare local prices and discover how you
can save money by buying within promotional periods. Make your
hard-earned money go the extra mile — be a savvy shpopper.
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Frequently asked questions
How does PricePulse work?
PricePulse collects data from various sites online and uses
this data with our advanced alorithms to bring transparency to
consumers and help them save money.
What supermarkets does PricePulse work with?
PricePulse is currently working on PAK'n Save, New World and
Countdown. With more sites to be adding soon.
Who made PricePulse?
PricePulse has been built by a group of entrepreneurs based in
New Zealand. We have experience helping the likes of Google,
Garmin and Fitbit to monitor pricing around the web.
Why did we make PricePulse?
We want to bring transparency to food prices and help
consumers make the shopping experience more enjoyable.
How much data does PricePulse collect?
We have amassed a billion data points already as we have been
operating in stealth mode for the past 6 months. We collect
the price every day for every product from like likes of New
World, Countdown, PAK'n Save, Supie and The Warehouse.
How does PricePulse make money?
To this date, everything has been self funded. We are actively
looking at opportunities to get some sponsorship and work with
strategic partners.
How long until I can use PricePulse?!?!
We will be onboarding users as soon as possible on a first
come first served basis as we scale up our operations.